care instructions

+ Pre-care for Spray Tans.

Shave at least 24 hours or wax at least 48 hours before your session. This allows the hair follicles-pores to close back up before getting your tan. Do not shave or wax day of tan!

Avoid any bar soap, unless it specifically targets a sunless tan.

We offer a gorgeous, moisturizing soap at the studio that is specifically made for spray tans. Pick one up after your tan. Any gel based body wash is generally recommended.

If you are using Dove products, please stop using them at least two days before your tan. Dove soap and Dove lotions leave a film on your skin that leads to a blotchy tan.

Avoid lotions that contain mineral oil in it and avoid baby oil, these types of oils will not allow the solution to develop properly if at all be absorbed by your skin.

Moisturize after your shower, but not day of tan.

It is important to exfoliate as much as possible because the process removes dead skin which promotes even coverage and lengthens the duration of your spray tan. Exfoliate at least one day prior to your tanning session.

Exfoliate with any of the following:

  • exfoliating scrub that doesn't contain oils
  • an exfoliating mitt.

When exfoliating, pay close attention to the following:

  • knees
  • legs
  • ankles
  • elbows
  • and knuckles

If tanned within the past two weeks, soak in a bath to breakdown your old tan and exfoliate it ALL off before your next appointment.

We strongly recommend you get other pampering beauty services prior to your tanning appointment which include but are not limited to:

  • manicures
  • pedicures
  • hair appointments
  • massage appointments
  • waxing appointments (2 days before tan)

Don't do this after the fact because it will break down your tan and make it look very unflattering.

+ Post-care for Spray Tans.

Do not swim, sweat or bathe until after rinse. Depending on the solution used during your session, rinse:

  • 8 hours after initial tan or 1-4 hours (rapid tan) after initial spray.
  • Your tan will continue to develop over the next 24 hours.
  • Do not use any type of body wash or moisturizer until 24 hours after your initial rinse.

Using body products too soon can potentially change the outcome of your tan.

Do not be alarmed when you see the cosmetic bronzer washing off.
This is normal and does not affect your tan.

Once the tan has fully developed, you can begin using a body wash that does not contain sulfates, mineral oil or petroleum.

  • Avoid soap bars, unless they specifically target spray tans. This is important because using products that are not pH balanced could result in a lighter tan that does not last (acidic skin) or a tan that turns golden or orange (alkaline skin).
  • If you need assistance in selected products, we offer pH balanced body washes and moisturizers made specifically for spray tans.

While in the shower, avoid scrubbing harshly and when toweling off pat dry instead of rubbing.

It is imperative that you moisturize with a spray tan friendly lotion (non petroleum based) at least two times daily.

  • This will slow down your skin’s natural cell turnover and will ensure an even, flawless fade.
  • Moisturizers, body butters and tan extenders are highly recommended to ensure best results.

You must wear sunscreen when outdoors.

  • Shop our aftercare line for optimal results.

Do your best to avoid shaving, if necessary:

  • Use a sharp, clean razor when shaving. We recommend using hair conditioner in place of shaving cream.

Massages and pedicures must be avoided.

  • Products used during services will break down your tan.
  • Polish changes are okay.

Avoid long hot showers, baths and hot tubs because prolonged water submersion will break down your tan.

Airbrush tans can last anywhere from 7-14 days depending on your skin type and how diligently you follow the pre and post tan care recommendations.

+ Pre-care for Lashes.

You should arrive without eye makeup and mascara free. Any makeup on your natural lashes can interfere with the adhesive bond and shorten your eyelash extension lifespan.

+ Post-care for Lashes.

Avoid getting them wet for up to 24 hours.

Do not rub or touch your lashes.

CLEAN YOUR LASHES daily with eyelash foam cleanser (available at the studio).

Brush your lashes daily.

Do not use oil based products around your or on your eyes.

Do not sleep on your face, silk pillow cases are better than cotton pillowcases to avoid tugging on your lashes.

Book your fill appointments every 2-3 weeks to keep them looking full.

+ Pre-care for Teeth Whitening.

Do NOT brush or floss teeth at least 4 hours prior to whitening as this could cause brush abrasion and create gum irritation during the whitening process.

You will not be able to eat anything for at least 2 hours after whitening so you may want to eat prior to whitening

+ Post-care for Teeth Whitening.

Drink only water for the next 2 hours to decrease possible sensitivity.

Do not smoke or chew tobacco for at least 2 hours.

Avoid dark colored food or beverage for 24 hours. No coffee, tea, soda, kool-aid, red wine, tomato sauce, red meat, dark colored vegetables, or anything with heavy color for at least 24 hours.

Next 48 hours: Brush very gently with a white toothpaste. DO NOT BRUSH GUMS.

Any sensitivity is typically gone within 24 hours.

You may choose to purchase our desensitizing gel or take a mild pain reliever.

Use your home maintenance kit and/or whitening to help maintain your smile (available at the studio).

+ Pre-Care for Waxing.

Preparing for a waxing appointment is essential to ensure a smooth and successful experience:

  1. Hair Length: The hair should be at least 1/4 to 1/2 inch long for the wax to grab onto. Avoid trimming or shaving the hair too short before your appointment as the wax may not be able to grip effectively.

  2. Exfoliation: Gently exfoliate the skin a day before your appointment. This helps remove dead skin cells and allows the wax to adhere properly, resulting in a more effective hair removal process.

  3. Skin Sensitivity: Inform your esthetician about any allergies, sensitive skin issues, or medications you are currently taking. This will help them determine the most suitable waxing products for your skin type and prevent any potential adverse reactions.

  4. Sun Exposure: Avoid excessive sun exposure or tanning beds at least 24 hours before your appointment. Tanned or sunburned skin can be more sensitive and prone to discomfort during waxing.

  5. Moisturizing: Refrain from applying any lotions, oils, or creams on the area to be waxed on the day of your appointment. These products can create a barrier between the wax and your hair, reducing the effectiveness of the treatment.

  6. Hygiene: Ensure that the area to be waxed is clean and free from sweat, oils, or residue. Take a shower before your appointment and avoid using any harsh soaps or exfoliants immediately prior to waxing.

  7. Pain Management: If you are concerned about the pain during waxing, you could take an over-the-counter pain reliever about 30 minutes before your appointment. However, avoid using numbing creams or sprays without consulting your esthetician, as they may interfere with the waxing process.

  8. Timing: Schedule your waxing appointment a few days before any special events or activities. This allows any potential redness or minor sensitivity to subside, ensuring your skin looks its best.

  9. Plan Your Clothing: Wear loose-fitting and breathable clothing on the day of your appointment, as tight clothing can cause irritation and discomfort after waxing.

  10. Communicate: During your appointment, don't hesitate to communicate any concerns, discomfort, or questions you may have with your esthetician. They are there to make your experience as smooth and comfortable as possible.

By following these pre-care instructions, you can help maximize the effectiveness of your waxing treatment and achieve better results.

+ Pre-Care for Waxing.

Proper aftercare is essential to maintain the results of your waxing treatment and promote skin health:

  1. Avoid touching: Refrain from touching the waxed area immediately after the treatment. Your skin may be slightly sensitive, and touching can introduce dirt and bacteria, leading to potential infections.

  2. Skip hot showers and baths: Avoid hot showers, baths, saunas, or steam rooms for at least 24 hours following your waxing session. Hot water can irritate the skin and cause sensitivity. Opt for lukewarm water instead.

  3. Gentle cleansing: Cleanse the waxed area gently using a mild, fragrance-free cleanser. Avoid harsh exfoliants, scrubs, or loofahs, as they may irritate the skin. Pat dry with a clean towel instead of rubbing.

  4. Moisturize regularly: Hydrate your skin by applying a soothing and hydrating moisturizer to the waxed area daily. Look for products containing natural ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile, which can help soothe and calm post-waxing skin.

  5. Avoid sun exposure: Stay out of direct sunlight or tanning beds for at least 24-48 hours after waxing. Your skin may be more susceptible to UV rays, leading to sunburn or hyperpigmentation. If you must go outside, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

  6. No swimming in pools or hot tubs: Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools or hot tubs for at least 24 hours after waxing. The chemicals in the water can irritate the skin and potentially cause infections.

  7. Avoid tight clothing: Wear loose-fitting clothing for the rest of the day after waxing to allow the skin to breathe and prevent friction. Tight clothing can cause irritation and ingrown hairs.

  8. Say no to shaving: Refrain from shaving the waxed area between appointments. Waxing results last longer when the hair is allowed to grow out, and consistent waxing can lead to hair growth reduction over time.

  9. Exfoliate gently: After 48 hours, you can start exfoliating the waxed area 2-3 times a week to prevent ingrown hairs. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or a soft brush to remove dead skin cells and promote hair growth in the right direction.

  10. Regular maintenance: For optimal results, maintain a regular waxing schedule. Depending on the rate of your hair growth, most individuals find scheduling a waxing appointment every 4-6 weeks to be effective and efficient.

+ Pre-Care for Powder Brows.

Preparing for a powder brow appointment is crucial to achieve the best results and ensure a smooth process.

  1. Do your research: Before scheduling your powder brow appointment, make sure you have thoroughly researched the technique, its benefits, and any potential risks or side effects. Having a clear understanding and realistic expectations will help you make an informed decision.

  2. Consultation: Schedule a consultation with your brow artist prior to the appointment. This allows you to discuss your desired eyebrow shape, color, and any concerns you may have. It also gives you an opportunity to ask questions and understand the procedure in detail.

  3. Patch test: Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to the pigments used in powder brow treatments. It is advisable to request a patch test at least 48 hours before the appointment to check for any adverse reactions. This can be done by applying a small amount of pigment to a discreet area of skin and monitoring for any allergic responses.

  4. Avoid certain treatments and products: For at least one week before your powder brow appointment, avoid any treatments or activities that may thin out the brow hair, such as waxing, tweezing, threading, or tinting. Also, avoid using retinol or chemical exfoliants around the eyebrow area, as they can make the skin more sensitive.

  5. Sun exposure and tanning: Minimize sun exposure, tanning beds, and spray tanning at least one week before your appointment. Excessive sun exposure can affect the color and healing process of your powder brows.

  6. Avoid blood-thinning medications: If you are on blood-thinning medications or supplements, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider prior to the appointment. These medications can increase the risk of bruising during the procedure.

  7. Cleanse the brow area: On the day of your appointment, make sure your brow area is clean and free from makeup, oils, or lotions. Gently cleanse the brow area before your appointment to ensure optimal pigment absorption.

  8. Communicate openly: During your appointment, communicate any allergies, sensitivities, or changes in your health since your consultation. It is important to keep your brow artist informed to ensure a safe and customized experience.

  9. Dress comfortably: Choose comfortable clothing on the day of your appointment, preferably something that allows easy access to your face without rubbing against the brow area. Loose-fitting clothing can also help prevent irritation or discomfort after the procedure.

  10. Relaxation and hydration: Prioritize self-care on the day of your appointment. Take deep breaths, stay hydrated, and get a good night's sleep. Being relaxed and well-rested can contribute to a more enjoyable and successful experience.

By following these pre-care instructions, you can better prepare yourself for a powder brow appointment, ensuring optimal results and a positive experience.

+ Post-Care for Powder Brows.

Proper aftercare is crucial to ensure the healing and longevity of your powder brow treatment.

  1. Keep the area clean and dry: For the first 7-10 days after your powder brow appointment, avoid getting the treated area wet. This includes avoiding water contact during showering, swimming, or heavy sweating. Keeping the area clean and dry promotes proper healing and helps the pigment settle.

  2. Resist touching or picking: It's important to avoid touching, picking, or scratching the treated area as this can disrupt the healing process and potentially remove pigment. Let scabs or flakes naturally shed off on their own.

  3. Use a gentle cleanser: After the initial 24 hours, you can gently cleanse the brow area using a mild, fragrance-free cleanser and lukewarm water. Pat the area dry with a clean towel and avoid any aggressive rubbing.

  4. Apply aftercare ointment: Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your brow artist. They may recommend using an aftercare ointment to keep the area moisturized and protect the freshly treated brows. Apply the ointment as directed, using clean hands or a cotton swab, to prevent contamination.

  5. Avoid makeup and skincare products: Avoid applying any makeup, skincare products, or other brow treatments directly on the treated area for at least two weeks. This includes foundation, powders, creams, or serums. These products can interfere with the healing process and the pigment retention.

  6. Protect from sun exposure: Long-term sun exposure can fade and distort the pigment in your powder brows. Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds, and excessive UV exposure. If you must be outdoors, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 on the brows and wear a hat or sunglasses for additional protection.

  7. Avoid excessive sweating: Refrain from activities that could cause excessive sweating, such as intense workouts or saunas, for at least two weeks. Avoiding sweat helps prevent the pigment from being diluted or lost during the healing phase.

  8. Avoid swimming and hot tubs: Avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, and bodies of water for at least two weeks. Chlorine, saltwater, and other chemicals can fade the pigment and disrupt the healing process.

  9. Be patient with the healing process: It's normal for the brows to appear darker, thicker, or uneven during the initial healing phase. Over time, the color will soften and the brows will settle into their desired shape. Allow up to 4-6 weeks for the true and final results to reveal themselves.

  10. Follow up appointment: Schedule and attend your recommended touch-up appointment as advised by your brow artist. Touch-ups can help perfect and enhance the powder brow results, ensuring long-lasting and beautiful brows.

By following these post care instructions, you can promote optimal healing and maximize the longevity of your powder brow treatment. Remember, each person's healing process may vary, so it's important to consult with your brow artist if you have any concerns or questions during the aftercare period.

+ Pre-Care for Lip Blush.

Preparing for a lip blush appointment is important to ensure a successful and satisfying outcome.

  1. Consultation: Schedule a consultation with your lip artist prior to the appointment. This allows you to discuss your desired lip color, shape, and any concerns you may have. It also gives you an opportunity to ask questions and understand the procedure in detail.

  2. Healthy lips: Ensure your lips are in a healthy condition before your appointment. If you have any existing lip conditions, such as cold sores or infections, it is advisable to wait until they have completely healed before getting the lip blush treatment. If you EVER had cold sores on your lips, you MUST get a prescription antiviral medication from your physician and start taking it 24 hour before your lip appointment.

  3. Medications: If you are taking any medications or supplements that may thin your blood, consult with your healthcare provider before the appointment. Blood-thinning medications can increase the risk of bleeding and affect the healing process.

  4. Allergies and Sensitivities: Inform your lip artist about any known allergies or sensitivities you have, especially to cosmetics or topical products. This will help avoid potential adverse reactions to the pigments used during the procedure.

  5. Avoid blood-thinning substances: Starting two days before your lip blush appointment, avoid consuming alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, or any other blood-thinning substances. These can increase the risk of bleeding and impact the healing process.

  6. Sun exposure and tanning: Minimize sun exposure and avoid tanning beds at least one week before your appointment. Sunburn, sun damage, or recent tanning can affect the lip color outcome and make the skin more susceptible to irritation.

  7. Hydrate your lips: Keep your lips well-hydrated in the days leading up to your appointment. Apply a moisturizing lip balm regularly to keep your lips supple and prevent dryness.

  8. Avoid lip treatments: Refrain from undergoing any lip treatments, such as lip fillers or injections, at least two weeks before your lip blush appointment. This allows the lips to fully recover and ensures the best canvas for the lip blush procedure.

  9. Exfoliate gently: Prior to your appointment, exfoliate your lips gently using a soft toothbrush or a lip scrub. Removing any dead skin will provide a smoother surface for the pigments to adhere to, resulting in a more even and long-lasting lip blush.

  10. Dress comfortably: Wear comfortable clothing on the day of your appointment, preferably something that allows easy access to your face and neck area. Loose-fitting clothing can help prevent any rubbing or irritation during the procedure.

By following these pre-care instructions, you can help ensure the best possible results from your lip blush appointment. Remember to communicate openly with your lip artist and follow any additional instructions they may provide to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

+ Post-Care for Lip Blush.

Proper aftercare is vital to promote healing and maximize the longevity of your lip blush treatment.

  1. Keep the area clean: For the first 48 hours after your lip blush appointment, avoid touching or wetting the treated area. This includes avoiding drinking through a straw, eating foods that require excessive lip movement, and any direct contact with water.

  2. Use a gentle cleanser: After the initial 48 hours, gently cleanse your lips using a mild, fragrance-free cleanser and lukewarm water. Pat the area dry with a clean towel or allow it to air dry.

  3. Apply aftercare ointment: Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your lip artist. They may recommend using an aftercare ointment specifically designed for post-lip blush treatment. Apply a thin layer of the ointment to your lips using clean hands or a cotton swab, ensuring not to overapply.

  4. Avoid picking or peeling: During the healing process, your lips may go through various stages, including flaking and peeling. It is important to resist the urge to pick or peel off any dry or flaky skin, as it can affect the color and overall results of your lip blush.

  5. Protect from sun exposure: Shield your lips from direct sun exposure to prevent fading and damage to the pigment. Apply a broad-spectrum lip balm containing SPF when going outdoors, especially during peak sun hours.

  6. Avoid extreme temperatures: For the first two weeks following your lip blush appointment, avoid exposing your lips to extreme temperatures, such as hot liquids, spicy foods, and saunas. Excessive heat can lead to inflammation and affect the healing process.

  7. Avoid makeup and lip products: Refrain from using any makeup or lip products, including lipstick, lip gloss, or lip stains, on the treated area for at least two weeks. This allows the pigments to settle and the lips to fully heal.

  8. Be cautious with eating and drinking: During the initial days of healing, be mindful of what you eat and drink. Opt for softer foods and avoid consuming excessively hot or spicy items that might irritate the healing skin.

  9. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body and lips hydrated. Hydration helps support the healing process and keeps the lips from becoming too dry or cracked.

  10. Attend your touch-up appointment: Lip blush treatments often require a touch-up appointment to perfect the color and ensure long-lasting results. Follow your lip artist's recommendation and schedule your touch-up appointment accordingly.

Following these post care instructions diligently will help minimize complications, reduce healing time, and allow your lip blush treatment to fully settle. If you have any concerns or questions during the healing process, do not hesitate to reach out to your lip artist for guidance and support.

+ Pre-Care for Eyelash Enhancement.

Preparing for an eyelash enhancement (permanent makeup) appointment is essential to ensure optimal results and a comfortable experience. Here are some pre-care instructions to follow:

  1. Consultation: Schedule a consultation with your technician prior to the appointment. This allows you to discuss your desired eyelash enhancement style, address any concerns, and understand the procedure in detail.

  2. Remove eye makeup: Arrive at your appointment with clean, makeup-free eyelashes and eyelids. Remove any mascara, eye shadow, or eyeliner using a gentle makeup remover or cleanser.

  3. Avoid eye irritants: Refrain from using waterproof mascara, eyelash extensions, or heavy eye creams for at least 48 hours prior to your appointment. These can affect the application of the permanent makeup and the longevity of the results.

  4. Patch test: Request a patch test from your technician at least 48 hours before the appointment. This helps determine if you have any allergies or sensitivities to the pigments used in the eyelash enhancement procedure.

  5. Stop using lash serums: Discontinue the use of eyelash growth serums or similar products at least one week before your appointment. These products can affect the health of your natural lashes and the bonding of the permanent makeup pigments.

  6. Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Minimize the consumption of caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours before your appointment. These substances can affect your eye sensitivity and make the procedure more uncomfortable.

  7. Arrive fresh-faced: On the day of your appointment, avoid using any eye makeup, creams, or lotions. A clean, fresh canvas allows the technician to work on your eyelashes without any interference.

  8. Bring reference images: If you have a specific eyelash style or look in mind, consider bringing reference images to your appointment. Clear visual references can help your technician understand your preferences better.

  9. Inform of medical conditions or medications: If you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications, inform your technician before the appointment. Certain conditions or medications may affect the procedure or its outcome.

  10. Plan for downtime: Keep in mind that there may be a slight swelling or redness in the treated area after the eyelash enhancement procedure. Schedule your appointment at a time when you can avoid any social or professional events immediately afterward.

+ Post-Care for Eyelash Enhancement.

Proper aftercare is crucial for the healing and long-lasting results of your eyelash enhancement (permanent makeup) procedure. Here are the post care instructions to follow:

  1. Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes: For the first 24 hours after the procedure, refrain from touching or rubbing your eyes. Touching the treated area can introduce bacteria and disrupt the pigment's healing process.

  2. Keep the area dry: Avoid exposure to water, steam, or excessive moisture for at least 24 to 48 hours after the appointment. This includes avoiding swimming, steam rooms, saunas, and hot showers. Moisture can cause the pigments to blur or fade prematurely.

  3. Apply an aftercare ointment: Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician. They may recommend applying a thin layer of aftercare ointment to the treated area using a clean cotton swab or a recommended applicator. Apply the ointment sparingly to keep the area moisturized and aid in the healing process.

  4. Avoid makeup and eye products: Avoid applying any makeup or eye products directly on the treated area for at least one week. This includes mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Using these products may impact the healing process and the longevity of the pigments.

  5. Protect your eyes from the sun: Shield your eyes from direct sunlight and UV exposure. Sun can cause the pigments to fade prematurely. Wear sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat when going out during daylight hours.

  6. Avoid excessive sweating and physical activities: Minimize sweating and strenuous activities that cause excessive perspiration for the first week after the procedure. Sweat can affect the healing process and the pigments' retention.

  7. Avoid sleeping on your face: Try to sleep on your back or side to avoid direct pressure on the treated area. Sleeping on your face can cause rubbing and affect the pigments' healing and appearance.

  8. Do not pick or rub the treated area: It is important to refrain from picking, scratching, or rubbing the treated area, as this can interfere with the healing process and potentially cause scarring or uneven coloration.

  9. Follow the recommended touch-up schedule: Most eyelash enhancement procedures require a touch-up appointment to perfect the results and ensure long-lasting retention of the pigments. Follow your technician's recommendations for scheduling and attending the touch-up session.

  10. Attend the scheduled follow-up appointment: Your technician will likely schedule a follow-up appointment to assess the healing progress and make any necessary adjustments. Attend this appointment to ensure the best possible outcome and address any concerns.

Following these post-care instructions diligently will significantly contribute to optimal healing and longer-lasting results of your eyelash enhancement (permanent makeup) procedure. If you have any concerns or questions during the healing process, do not hesitate to contact your technician for guidance and support.